Throughout my experience at Make!mpact, I collaborated with a dedicated team to further the company's mission of revolutionising sustainable investment practices. Make!mpact, a Fintech startup founded in 2018 in Copenhagen, boasts a team of approximately 35 passionate individuals committed to empowering the younger generation to invest in a sustainable future.
8 months • 2020 to 2021
Product Manager
The Company
Make!mpact, a Copenhagen-based Fintech startup founded in 2018, is dedicated to democratising sustainable investment. With a team of approximately 35 employees, Make!mpact aims to empower the younger generation to invest in alignment with their values. The company's core mission is to provide knowledge, transparency, and guidance to make sustainable investing accessible to all.
Help the young generation understand the investment world!
89% never invested before
90% are concerned about sustainability issues
The Core Mission
How can users be empowered to invest sustainably while increasing engagement on the Make!mpact platforms?​​​​​​​
The Products
Make!mpact offers a comprehensive set of digital products; a mobile app, a website and a web app, each serving distinct purposes. As a Product Manager, my main focus was here on Make!mpact's mobile application.
The Make!mpact mobile app serves as a centralised hub for users to access valuable insights, resources and tools related to sustainable investment. Through the app, users can discover companies aligned with their values, access educational content, and stay updated on the latest news and developments in sustainable investing. Key features such as Matches, Academy, and Feed provide users with actionable information and opportunities to engage with like-minded individuals within the Make!mpact community.
My Role
My role at Make!mpact as a Product Manager was multifaceted, involving overseeing product development, crafting the product roadmap, and managing a diverse team of 12 individuals. My primary focus was on enhancing user experience and driving engagement with our mobile application. My research aimed to identify pain points, gather user feedback and understand the needs and preferences of our target audience. Key questions revolved around optimising the onboarding process, expanding the platform's features and improving accessibility for users. One of the significant challenges was navigating the complexities of product development in a dynamic startup environment while ensuring alignment with the company's mission and objectives.
My Main Tasks
• Project June: Moving from a freemium to a premium model in 4 months
Project June marked a significant strategic shift for Make!mpact as we transitioned to a premium model. As the Product Manager, I led the redesign of the app's onboarding process to accommodate this change. Our goal was to seamlessly integrate premium features while maintaining a user-friendly experience. Iterative design iterations and user testing were crucial in ensuring a smooth transition for our users.
The Results
The strategic initiative that is Project June marked a pivotal moment for Make!mpact, significantly boosting the company's growth and market presence. This implementation also attracted new users seeking sustainable investment opportunities. Consequently, this project drove financial gains for Make!mpact while solidifying its position in the sustainable investment space.
• Academy Redesign: Craft a digital learning environment
The Academy feature within our platform serves as a cornerstone of education and learning for our users. Recognising the importance of providing comprehensive resources, we embarked on a redesign to enhance the user experience and deliver impactful learning opportunities. Collaborating closely with stakeholders, I conceptualised and developed interactive wireframes to empower users with the knowledge needed to embark on their sustainable investment journey.
The Results
This redesign of the Academy feature generated notable improvements in user engagement and conversion rates. By enhancing the educational resources available to users and their associated experience, Make!mpact achieved a 25% increase in user conversion rates following the redesign.
• Recruitment Process: Building the Product Development team​​​​​​​
With the growth of the company, arose a need to expand and strengthen the Product Development team. As a PM, I was in charge of the recruitment efforts to bring onboard talented individuals who shared our passion for sustainable investment. In total, through candidate evaluation and interviews, I assembled a diverse team of 12 skilled individuals:
Further Insights
Reflecting on my experience at Make!mpact, I am inspired by the dedication and passion of our team in driving positive change. Key takeaways include the importance of collaboration and adaptability in achieving our goals.
Make!mpact was the first product that I had a full ownership of as a Product Manager. Leading the development of an app allowed me to gain invaluable insights into running a smooth product development process through effective communication with cross-functional teams. Collaborating with developers, designers, managers and business developers, I learned the importance of fostering synergy among diverse stakeholders to drive innovation.
As I continue to apply the insights gained from this experience to future endeavours, I am grateful for the opportunity to have contributed to a mission-driven organisation dedicated to making a positive impact in the world of sustainable investment.

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